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Surangika Ranathunga - Department of Information Science


Increasing Awareness of Intelligent Agents in 3-D Virtual Communities


Archway 2 - 1:00 pm, Friday 23 March


When operating in 3-D virtual communities, intelligent agents should maintain a high-level awareness of the physical and social environment around them in order to be more believable and capable. This task is non-trivial, due to the inherent differences between agent systems and virtual worlds. In my PhD research, I present a four step mechanism to create a high-level representation of an agent's dynamic physical environment, which enables an agent to maintain a high-level awareness of the same. This high-level information is used in improving social awareness of the agent. I specifically look at how an agent can manage its social expectations.

Last modified: Tuesday, 20-Mar-2012 16:13:30 NZDT

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