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Sander Zwanenburg, Department of Information Science


The Use of Information Technology in our Work Breaks: Exploring its Implications


Owheo G34 - 1:00 pm, Friday 26 May


The use of Information Technology (IT) is becoming increasingly pervasive in many people's work breaks. While research has begun to reveal how IT is changing what people engage in during breaks and how they engage in these activities, we still know little about the implications for how breaks are experienced and how well they help us recover from effortful work. We review theory and findings that can hold clues on how IT breaks may affect experience and performance. Based on studies related to self-control, we conduct an explorative study by employing an experiment, a survey, and the Momentary Assessment Method. The findings underline the high levels of the involvement of IT in work breaks, highlight its relationship with certain experiences, but do not provide strong evidence for general effects on self-control performance. We discuss the implications of these findings for work breaks and for further inquiry in this field.

Last modified: Tuesday, 23-May-2017 11:47:16 NZST

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