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Michael Winikoff, RMIT, Melbourne


Agents at RMIT


Archway 2 - 1:00 pm, Friday 11 April


In this talk I will give an overview of some work done within the agents group at RMIT University.

The talk will include discussion of mechanisms for agents to reason about interactions between their goals; for example, detecting when one goal interferes with another.

The talk will also cover work on making agents easier to develop, including the Prometheus agent-oriented software engineering methodology.

About the Speaker:

Michael Winikoff is an Associate Professor at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia; and is currently on sabbatical at Otago university. His research interests include programming languages, software engineering, and logic. In the last nine years he has been applying these interests in the context of intelligent software agents.

Last modified: Monday, 07-Apr-2008 13:48:40 NZST

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